Dear Friend,
Since starting as the Executive Director three years ago, I’ve had the honor of stewarding East Hampton’s cultural heritage. During that time, the Historical Society has managed the preservation and interpretation of six historic properties and nearly 20,000 artifacts, presented exhibits, walking tours, lecture series, and other public programs, and served thousands of students.
In just the last few months, we forged partnerships with local school districts to institutionalize our educational programming and broke ground on our new Collections Storage Center at Mulford Farm. It’s very exciting to see how East Hampton’s past has inspired, engaged, and connected people in our community.
Our history is vital. As historian David Thelen has described it, we need the past just like we need food and oxygen. It sustains us. It gives us a sense of identity and understanding about where we’ve come from and where we’re going.
To continue this work of keeping the past present in East Hampton, I need your help. Without your support, our community cannot sustain its sense of place. Please make a gift to the East Hampton Historical Society today!
Steve Long, Executive Director